Mismatch: Calvert and Health Care

According to Ken Calvert, the shameful republican from SoCal who voted to reject the certification and support an insurrection, wants you to believe that he wants to solve the health care problem in the USA. The real question is what does he think the problem is? Apparently, he thinks getting reasonably priced prescription drugs is …

Ken Calvert Fails California’s Immigration Reform Needs

There are always sheep in every party. And Ken Calvert is a perfect example. Now, I don’t have anything against sheep, but applied to humans, the meaning is clear: If a group cannot or will not act independently, they might be considered sheep. In this case, the fears of associated with immigration continues to poorly …

CA’s 42 and Calvert’s failure to understand Title 42

Ken Calvert, representative from CA’s 42st District doesn’t have a clue how communicable diseases work. Based on this idiotic twit, he seems to think that Covid-19 comes from Mexico. Of course, he’s not alone, several governors seem to make the same false claims. I am not sure if this makes Calvert better or worse, but …