Impala vs. African Dogs vs. Hyena

January 28, 2022

As part of a trip to Kruger National Park and my stay in XX Camp, I signed up a sunset drive, where I could be a passenger and enjoy the scenery without worrying about the drive. After about two hours, we spotted a lone Hyena along a river bank. After a few minutes, an impala ran through out of the shrubs on the right and crossed the river, chased by an African wild dog (Lycaon pictus).

African dogs are pretty rare in Africa — in fact most are restricted to Kruger.

While African wild dogs are Canines or the Caninae subfamuily, evolutionary biologists believe African wild dogs do not share a common ancestor for over 2.5 million years. Thus, not very closely related given their physical similarities.

African wild dogs hunt in packs.

A bit to the right and above the rock along the hillside is the African dog chasing the an Impala — unfortunately, the impala got past me, while I was looking at my camera settings.

Reinforcments? Or just rejoining the pack after separating the impala from the herd.
A bloodied look
meal time…
Late comers, birds, another hyena, and an African Dog onlooking and hoping to get a morsel.
Absconding with the impala’s head.
Getting a respite to enjoy the prey’s head in solitude.
Relaxing in the water after the hunt.

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